- JASMINA STOŠIĆ, PhD is Assistant Professor, Department of Inclusive Education and Rehabilitation, with specific interest in: Special features of development of children with disorders of the autistic spectrum; Strategies and programmes for teaching persons with disorders of the autistic spectrum; Integration of persons with disorders of the autistic spectrum.
She is the supervisor of the programme for a group of children with disorders of the autistic spectrum in Kindergarten Bajka.
Within the Cabinet for Disorders of the Autistic Spectrum of the Rehabilitation Centre, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Science, she conducts diagnostic procedures and evaluation; counseling and education of parents of children with disorders of the autistic spectrum and individualized programmes for children with disorders of the autistic spectrum.
She was expert in the projects:
"Evaluation of Specific Programmes in the Work with Children and Adolescents with Autism"
"Early Detection of Autism - PDD and Evaluation of Early Intervention Programmes"
She is un author of 4 book chapters, 7 scientific papers in other journals, 1 scientific conference papers with international peer-review and 10 abstracts in Book of abstracts.