- ANA WAGNER-JAKAB, PhD is Assistant Professor and Head of Department of Inclusive Education and Rehabilitation, with the main scientific interests in Educational and social inclusion of persons with difficulties; Support to the family, brothers and sisters of persons with difficulties; Scientific and teaching interests are focused on learning difficulties and multiple difficulties.
She was expert in the projects:
"Development towards the Inclusive School: Practices-Research-Capacity Building", Universities of Belgrade, Ljubljana, Sarajevo, Skopje, Tuzla, Zagreb, and Oslo (2006-2009);
"Children with Special Needs in the System Family-School-Peers", University of Zagreb, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences (2003-2006);
"Intervention Programmes and Some Environmental Factors in Educational Inclusion", University of Zagreb, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences (2006-2010)
She is an active member of the Association CIP-IDEM contributing as the leader and supervisor of the work with brothers and sisters of children with difficulties. Within the Centre of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, she had been engaged in Montessori therapy for children with difficulties. Currently completing education in Gestalt Psychotherapy.